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Chocolatey Package managers

Package managers are a way to install software through the command line interface. Instead of going website after website looking for the installer options.

If you compare both in the windows context, going to a website and download a file an install, It is the day to day. However as a developer You will find yourself repeating the process of installing technologies, each time you got a new dev environment, managing different versions of the same techs, upgrading versions, or helping colleagues with their initial set up.

This is time consuming.

Package managers aim to solve the installation and manage of the techs you need for your environment, and you can automate that task:

  1. At windows there is Chocolatey.
  2. At Mac there is Homebrew and recently available for linux.
  3. At linux there is apt get, among others.

I have used the three of them.

One of my setups: It is windows 10 with wsl2.

For today's exploration:

Chocolatey Package Manager

For install instructions search the docs 😉 and evaluate which option fit better for your environment.

Once done you test it and next You search the packages at:

Chocolatey Packages

It is useful create your own to automate your environment set up

Example powershell script​

choco install nodejs-lts
choco install vscode
choco install virtualbox

Over time this kind of task save great amount of time.

Good practice​

Checking the versions needed for your projects before run commands and install packages.